Sunday, July 14, 2013

Google Drive Portfolios

My 'genius' moment this summer was when I realized that I could easily save copies of everything online, yet still send them home. Duh. Now that we have iPads (at least temporarily) and I have an iPhone, I can take pictures of work and the put it in folders to be sent home. So to set this up, as far as I could because it is summer and I don't know who will actually be in my class, I created number folders in a 'Student Portfolios' section of my already established Google Drive. SO SIMPLE. If anyone needs a step-by-step on how to do this, please let me know and I'd be happy to share.

I also realized, after establishing the folders, I can make files available to parents! Another aha moment. And you pick and choose, so it's not like they have to see everything. Could be very useful! We'll see...

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