Monday, July 22, 2013

Small things

So, of course, summer did not really go as planned. I spent a LOT of time arranging for all the work that needs to be done on our house, and now summer is almost over and I have little to show for it. However, in the little time I DID spend on my classroom, here are some pictures
Ice cream multiplication and division board... They get a scoop with each specified fact test passed. When they get all their scoops-- ice cream party! Yum :-)
Birthday board... I'm laminating these, and then I will be sticking Velcro on it so I can reuse it in the future. Pinterest idea. - take pictures of the kids holding signs with the number of their birthday sorted by month. And then posted on a bulletin board that's a pain to get to so I don't have to change it throughout the year. 

Decided to make my drawers a little prettier this year... I attached the paper with mod podge, but used my labelmaker for the outside labels so they are more easily changed.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Google Drive Portfolios

My 'genius' moment this summer was when I realized that I could easily save copies of everything online, yet still send them home. Duh. Now that we have iPads (at least temporarily) and I have an iPhone, I can take pictures of work and the put it in folders to be sent home. So to set this up, as far as I could because it is summer and I don't know who will actually be in my class, I created number folders in a 'Student Portfolios' section of my already established Google Drive. SO SIMPLE. If anyone needs a step-by-step on how to do this, please let me know and I'd be happy to share.

I also realized, after establishing the folders, I can make files available to parents! Another aha moment. And you pick and choose, so it's not like they have to see everything. Could be very useful! We'll see...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I have decided to jump on to what so many are already doing and start keeping track of what is happening in my classroom. I figure it's a great way to share ideas and to keep track of what I like and what I don't like. Now it's summer, so probably not the BEST time to start doing this, but whatever, the kids are napping and I had a few minutes to spare.

So this year my big goal is to reorganize my... Well, life, but let's say 'self' to keep it, uh, easier... So in the past three years, I've gotten married, had two (beautiful) children, switched grade levels, and changed classrooms.
My angel,Sophie, is 6 months old.

My baby boy, Daniel, is 2.

And my husband, well, he would kill me if I posted his picture right now, so I think I'll skip photos of us. :-) pics of my classroom to appear later....